Di—who lives in Seligenstadt—has sent some photos of how the area
around the Displaced Persons camp looks today. Here is a photo of a plaque
erected at the camp in memory of the Displaced Persons who lived there. Both my Mom and Mr. Irene's Dad stayed at the Seligenstadt Camp between 1945 and 1949.
Commenter Di
translates: "1945-1949. 1200 Lithuanians lived in the Seligenstadt Camp. Almighty God,
we beseech you to bless and protect us throughout all the vicissitudes of our
exiled existence, far from our home country. In this location Lithuanians were
gathered together who loved God and their native land above everything. In
Remembrance 7. January 1993." Di does not know who erected the plaque. The
plaque features the Lithuanian coat of arms, the Vytis.
Thanks to Commenter
Di for making this photo available to us. (I'll post more of Commenter Di's
photos soon.)