January 6, 2012

General Manners:* It's usually not polite to point.

Unless you see an interesting reptile, like a turtle:

Suburban Chicago, Autumn 1963. I stand along a bank of the Des Plaines River, in the Forest Preserve, and I ask my Dad to take a picture of a turtle. See?

*     *     *     *     *

Or unless you see some interesting birds, like some ducks:

Erlangen, Germany, 1946. My Mom and her medical-school roommate point to some ducks swimming in a public park.

*Here, I continue the non-holiday version of the series, "Christmas Manners."


ra ralph said...

This is the Hugenotten-Brunnen in the Schlosspark. Great photo!

Irene said...

Thanks, again, Ralph. I have quite a few photos from this day at the Schlosspark.