June 29, 2016

Tyrolean Reunion

Fiera di Primiero, Italy, June 1984. This is the last town I visited before I moved back to the States.

Exchanging Portraits (Part 62)

Location Uncertain, Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic, about 1955. This family sent a snapshot to my paternal Grandmother, Tatjana. I don't know who these folks are.

June 28, 2016

Family Conference

Brookfield Zoo, February 1973. This group recognizes who is in charge.

Related by Marriage: Summer Visitor

Suburban Chicago, June 1980. Mr. Irene's paternal Uncle, Ignas, visits the Chicago branch of the family. He's at the head of the table. Mr. Irene's Mom sits on the far left, and Aunt Danutė takes charge of serving (even though she is not the party's hostess). Anthony sits to Ignas's left.

June 27, 2016

Look Up

Rome, Italy, April 1984. We've climbed a lot of steps.


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Near Schweinfurt, Germany, February 26, 1949. Dad received this card shortly before he emigrated to the United States.

June 23, 2016

Traveler's Memento

Frankfurt, Germany, about 1948. Dad saved a stack of postcards from his travels in Germany.

Summer Sweater

Penza, Russian Soviet Socialist Republic, Summer 1962. My paternal Grandmother Tatjana's younger sister, Natasha, wrote, "On our little terrace."

June 22, 2016

Grand Finale

Chicago, Illinois, Spring 1962. Fortunately, there's not a clown in sight.

The Performance

Rosemont Horizon, Rosemont, Illinois, July 1992. The size of the festival's audience catches Mr. Irene's attention.

(Hey! I sewed Mr. Irene's folk costume.)

June 15, 2016

Poppy is an aunt, in Three Takes.

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Sun Prairies, Wisconsin, June 14, 2016. Poppy's sister Josette gave birth last week to three pups.

Thanks to our friend Tom for making these photos available to us.

It's good to go shopping on a rainy day.

Venice, Italy, April 1984. I am carrying a bag containing a pocketbook Mom just bought. The leather beauty cost $45, and Mom considered the purchase a big splurge. She still carries it (she also continues to wear those black shoes).

The shops behind us are closing for lunch; one store has already put up its entry gates.


June 14, 2016

June 13, 2016

Gigi, Groomed

Suburban Chicago, February 1971. Groomers earlier used bows; now they more commonly tie on bandanas.

It became easier to photograph Gigi once she started to grey.

After-Dinner Conversation

Suburban Chicago, October 1972. My paternal Grandmother, Tatjana, chats with Vytenis. Tatjana dozes again; she had narcolepsy. She wears the watch we bought for her in Switzerland.

June 10, 2016

Stormy-Sky Reunion

Verona, Wisconsin, June 2010. Stay tuned to the weather reports.


Penza, Russian Soviet Socialist Republic, June 1969. My paternal Grandmother Tatjana's sister, Natasha, wrote, "Sashenka is fishing at our lake."

June 8, 2016

The Valley

Taliesen Estate, Spring Green, Wisconsin, April 2012. We're still fascinated by the spring greens.


Kaunas, Lithuania, July 30, 1928. The American Consul to Lithuania (front row, third from left) and his wife (holding flower bouquet) leave Lithuania at the end of their diplomatic mission. The Consul wrote: 
The official waiting room at the station was open in our honor and we met the people there who had come to bid us goodbye.  All the diplomats and consuls came, including the Soviet charge d'affaires [Simon Rabinovich] with who we had never had official or social intercourse. All our other friends were of course also present ... Lily received large quantities of flowers and everybody wished us a pleasant trip. Mr. Smetona sent a beautiful bunch of roses with a young lady and one of the President's adjuncts. Photographs of the assembly with us in the center were taken. As the train pulled out, countless handkerchiefs were waving. We were deeply impressed by all these marks of affection and good will on the part of our Kovno friends. Lily broke out in tears as we crossed the Nieman railway bridge a moment later. ... We went to bed early in our two first-class compartments in the German sleeping car.
 Thanks to the Consul's Granddaughter for making this photo and narrative available to us.