December 24, 2011

Midnight Mass

This was my childhood parish. Here, I was baptised and got married. This church also held the funeral services of my maternal Grandfather Jake, my paternal Grandmother Tatjana, and my Dad.

Melrose Park, Illinois, December 24, 1961. Midnight Mass at Sacred Heart Church. This was back in the day when women could not enter a church without their heads covered. I remember thinking how cool it would be to become a teenager because then, I would get to wear chapel veils.


Anonymous said...

I do not think this picture is of Midnight Mass. There are no Christmas decorations in the church. I'm pretty sure it was from a First Communion Mass. The Communicants are processing out of church. They did not do that at Midnight Mass.

Anonymous said...

and another CAN'T be Midnight Mass unless we lived in the Land of the Midnight Sun! It's broad daylight! First Communion!