April 3, 2015

Dance Lesson

Suburban Chicago, December 31, 1964. Vytenis, the husband of my Mom's best friend Donna, takes me for a spin. Donna's and Vytenis's daughter, Kris, just sent this photo. It surprised me: although my Dad snapped this image, it does not appear in our albums. There's a different photo from that evening in the 1964, black-and-white, volume, but I prefer this snapshot because it captures Vytenis's personality.

Thanks to my friend Kris for making this photo available to us.


Patrick said...


Irene said...

*Smooch.* It's likely we were dancing to a Beatles tune.

edutcher said...

Oooh, boy, a pic like that today would get him investigated.

edutcher said...

PS My sister had the same 45.

Seeing that jacket really took me back.