January 29, 2016

Happy Call

Suburban Chicago, January 1977. Mom does not seem to be engaged here in a work-related call. The throw pillow features Lithuanian motifs; the mother of my friend Ron made it for Mom (Ron's Mom also made the best Cepelinai I've tasted). The watercolor is by Murinas.

Here's the pillow today:

If you don't like it, then consider a Russian proverb: "In taste and colors, there are no friends." That's what I tell a friend each time I start (another) beige sweater.


edutcher said...

The Blonde has done some home health nursing and you do come to dread the phone.

edutcher said...

PS The pillow is very impressive.

Irene said...

I (probably like most people) came to hate email.

I realized last night that the pillow we have looks like the twin of the one in the photo. It's slightly different. The pillow in the photo may have landed at the Door County cottage.