December 9, 2012

The Children's Christmas Pageant

Our Lithuanian school hosted an annual Christmas pageant. Each December, the children gathered in the dreary basement of the parish school to entertain our families with songs and poetry. An adult from the community dressed up as Santa Claus. Parents brought a small gift with their child's name written on the wrapper and secretly popped the gift into Santa's bag, which sat hidden in the back room. The Lithuanian school teachers decorated a small tree. Adults drank coffee and ate cookies at wobbly folding tables while the children waited nervously until Santa Claus arrived.

For every Christmas pageant, there is a formula. First, children dance "Jurgelis Meistrelis," a folk take on "Simon Says." For the Christmas pageant, the song mutates to "Kaip Senelis daro," or, "Do what Santa Claus does." The dance is repetitive: children dance in a circle, Santa Claus stops and does something cute—he squats, he points, he mimics an animal—and the children imitate exactly what Santa Claus does. This goes on for about fifteen minutes.

After the dance, the children wait for Santa's gifts. By custom, a child must must do something—and do it well—before Santa gives that child his gift. Some children sing, some recite poetry, and some play an instrument (preferably an accordian). Because I couldn't sing or play an instrument, I always recited a poem.

I earlier posted some scenes from Christmas pageants. Here are some more:

Melrose Park, Illinois, December 1965. Santa Claus is delighted to have arrived at the pageant. I've looked at this photo many times, and I still cannot make out who played Santa Claus.

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Melrose Park, Illinois, December 1965. Here we are, dancing "Kaip Senelis." I'm the girl with the eye glasses (of course). My dear friend Kris, on the far right, got to hold hands with Santa Claus!

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Melrose Park, Illinois, December 1965. Our teacher leads us in a song for Santa Claus.

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Melrose Park, Illinois, December 1965. Ah! It's my turn to recite for Santa. I look really nervous. My ensemble was a two-piece, avocado-colored dress with gold stripes. I'm wearing tights (of course).

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Melrose Park, Illinois, December 1965. Santa Claus liked my poem.

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Melrose Park, Illinois, December 1965. Ha ha. He really liked my poem.

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