November 22, 2012

Thanking Back

Last year on Thanksgiving Day—when this blog was still quite new, and I had not yet posted many of the "way-back-when" photos—I scanned a little photo and asked my Mom why everyone in the image looked so sad. The photo, I learned that day, was taken when Mom and her Dad, Jake, were about to flee Lithuania.

I remain thankful that Mom and Jake became refugees. I'm most thankful that my Mom is vibrantly healthy—and still razor sharp—as she recounts memories from her life.

I'm thankful for my Dad—who today would have celebrated his ninetieth birthday—for treating every photo in his collection as an archival treasure.

And I'm thankful, of course, that Mom and Dad met at a party in a Displaced Persons camp, and that they married less than three months later.

So here again is a snapshot from a set I posted last spring that captures their new, young love.

Seligenstadt, Germany, February 1948. My Parents had just met.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very sweet!