May 11, 2012

Slo Poke

My Mom loved a caramel lollipop that was common in the 1960s, the "Slo Poke." Snacks were rare at our house. But when Mom and my paternal Grandmother, Tatjana, shopped for groceries at the Jewel Food Store on Thursdays (Mom's day off), Mom bought a "Slo Poke" for each of us.

Mom often ate only part of hers that Thursday, and she saved the rest for later. Her half eaten "Slo Poke" sometimes sat for days in a coffee cup, covered with waxed paper.

I enjoyed my "Slo Poke" all in one sitting.

Suburban Chicago, November 1964. I am in the Rec Room, again watching television. I sit at the sewing machine.

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