October 10, 2013


My Dad worked primarily in black-and-white photography because (1) he appreciated that aesthetic; and (2) he liked to develop and print his own photographs. He occasionally took color photographs, and he reserved color film primarily for human subjects.

A friend recently asked whether I tweak those old Kodachrome images before I post them. When I first started the blog, I scanned photographs and did little restoration. Later—when we bought a new scanner, and I got accustomed to working with photo software—I began adjusting the images.

Some purists believe altering an old photograph mars its integrity. I disagree. A restored image better captures what the photographer saw.

Here's an example of a photograph (I posted it earlier here) before and after a quick restoration:

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What do you think?

1 comment:

edutcher said...

You should be very proud of yourself, that's excellent work.