October 10, 2012

Dog Bath

Mr. Irene stopped yesteday at the mega-pet shop to buy dog food. The clerk handed Mr. Irene a receipt with a $5.00 voucher for a free bath. The clerk said, "Oh! Look! You have a voucher for a free bath." Mr. Irene replied, "Is it okay if I wait until next time, when I bring one of the dogs?"

Suburban Chicago, November 1969. Dad warms the water at the basement utility sink. Gigi should be comfortable when she gets a bath. There's a can of Woolite on the shelf.

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Suburban Chicago, November 1969. Gigi likes baths. She's ready to jump into the sink.

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Suburban Chicago, November 1969. I'm wearing a protective apron, but it's really not necessary. Gigi is a compliant bather.

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Suburban Chicago, November 1969. Mom swaddles Gigi so that she won't catch cold as she dries.


Peter Hoh said...

We have that same sink in our basement.

Irene said...

Photos of things like sinks and shelves trigger many memories for me.

Peter Hoh said...

Funny how these very ordinary things are infused with meaning.