March 4, 2012

Sunday at the Žirgynas

The single men living in the Žirgynas, the barracks housing unmarried, male Displaced Persons, had a tradition of gathering on Sundays.

Sometimes they went for a "promenade." Often, they raised a glass or two. Whatever they did, the men of the Žirgynas always looked sharp and collected.

Seligenstadt, Germany, 1946. My maternal Grandfather, Jake (on the far left), and other men from the Žirgynas meet on a Sunday. Even the priest has joined them.


Aldona M. Walker said...

In the middle of the group, in the UNRRA uniform is my father, Dr. Kazys Mogenis, the chief of staff of the hospital in the Selligenstadt refugee camp.

Earlier my brother, Algimantas, recognized him in another photo with your Mother. Our Dad earned his medical degree from the Vytautas Magnus University (VMU)) in 1931 in Kaunas, Lithuania, thus is not a colleague of your Mom.

We are enjoying your blog since we stayed in all refugee camps you cover and have many similar photos.

Aldona Mogenyte Walker

Irene said...

Labas, Aldona, and thank you for your comment. If you run across any photos of my Mom among your snapshots, do let me know.

My Mom started out her medical education at VMU, but finished her studies after the war in Erlangen.