March 14, 2012

The Rabbit

I mentioned once that for a short time, we kept a wild rabbit as a house pet. Someone assumed the rabbit's mother had abandoned it in nearby lawn nest. The mother probably was away from the nest, getting food.

At first, the rabbit was adorable. But the rabbit was undomesticated, and once it grew, we no longer could keep it safely in the house. It would not be housebroken, and it bit people. At my Mom's urging, my Dad eventually took the rabbit to the Hal Tyrell Trailside Museum. At that time, the museum accepted baby animals.

Food for thought, as spring approaches.

Suburban Chicago, June 1964. The little thumper was quite cute when he arrived in our Rec Room.

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Suburban Chicago, June 1964. We assumed the rabbit and the hamster would cohabit in harmony.

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Suburban Chicago, June 1964. The hamster did not like the rabbit's presence in its territory.

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Suburban Chicago, June 1964. The rabbit brought out my Mom's gentle side.

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Suburban Chicago, June 1964. I was sorry to see the little guy go.


jmartin said...

Trailside is but a shadow of its former self. I remember a serious raptor and a badger/wolverine in the mid-1960's, but this could be sheer confabulation. A native Oak Parker and friend interned there in the mid or late 1960's. He reported that the caretaker's room was cleaned annually, to remove the glut of empty bottles.

Irene said...

I recall a raptor, too. It might have been a crow.