December 15, 2011

Hang on for the ride.

Occasionally I ask my Mom whether she thought it was hard to be a Displaced Person. She affirms that it wasn't easy, but Mom also explains that she and her friends were young—in their early twenties—and they shook troubles off quickly. She even sometimes observes that it was quite routine. There were many friends around her, and daily life readjusted to the new circumstances.

This photo captures that sense of daily life. A group of fillies—including my Dad's twin sister, Jonė—catches a ride on the back of a U.S. Army vehicle. The letters "USA" are visible on the hood of the truck on the right.

Schweinfurt, 1946. A group of Lithuanian girl scouts take a spin with the American soldiers. Jonė is the one who is riding while standing, at the far left, with her legs visible.

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