November 6, 2011

We have a serious side, and we have a comic side (part two).

I wrote here about the joy my Mom's family experienced when Cody Jr. visited from Poland.

That afternoon resulted in a lot of picture taking. Everyone was in top form:

Kaunas, Lithuania, Summer 1940. The family poses on a swingset. Seated are my maternal Grandmother, Jadzė, and my maternal Grandfather, Jake. Standing, left to right, are Zigmas—without his eye glasses, Mary, and Cody Jr.

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This next photo shatters my belief that Jadzė did not like my Mom's dog, Džekis:

Kaunas, Lithuania, Summer 1940. The family shows its funny side. Seated are Jake's sister, Mary, and my maternal Grandmother, Jadzė, who craddles Džekis's head. Standing, left to right, are Zigmas—blessing Mary's head, my Mom—giving Jadzė some "rabbit ears," and Cody Jr.—looking as dapper as always.

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