January 13, 2016

A Knitted Suit from the 1980s

Columbia, South Carolina, November 13, 1988. I used to knit suits, too (okay, this is a two-piece dress). The sleeves are not Dolman sleeves—I never liked those batwings—but they are wide. I knitted this in Lana Borgosesia's Hilton yarn. I worked the yarn at 7 stitches to the inch: knitters know this is a fine (to some, tedious) gauge.

I loved this garment. It's knitted in my favorite color! I wore it when I taught, and I wore it for special occasions. And . . .  I still have it:

1 comment:

edutcher said...

That is a great picture of you (if you don't mind me saying).

You look a little like Joyce Redman, who played Mrs Waters in "Tom Jones".