August 28, 2014

Dressed Up

Suburban Chicago, December 1972. My paternal Grandmother, usually wore a housecoat around the house. She's likely dressed up here, in her royal blue suit, because it's the holiday season. Two clues indicate it's Christmas time: (1) cookies are cooling, and Tatjana's ready to put them in the familiar, gold tin; and (2) Tatjana wears a wreath brooch.


edutcher said...

Another bit of nostalgia.

People did wear their best on Christmas - you never knew when someone was going to drop by or you might go out yourself.

And, of course, there was always church.

Irene said...

Church was less certain for us (see posts about the zoo).

jmartin said...

Are even contemporary brooch-wearers also more likely to housecoat, I wonder. My only behousecoated college friend segued effortlessly, although her collection does not rival that of Madeleine Albright. My own broochless state reveals, I fear, a lack of gravitas. No sub silentio diplomatic zingers!

Irene said...

Both Mom and I still favor brooches--small ones, not like the ones Albright wore. We are not, however, very diplomatic.