May 5, 2014

"Krokodilo Ašaros"

Crocodile tears:
The truth is that crocodiles do not cry because they do not have the lachrymal ducts. The lachrymal ducts are unnecessary for them because they spend most of their time in water. The crocodile’s lachrymal glands produce the secretion that only moisten the eyes when an animal is out of water.

When crocodiles swallow large chunks of meat, their eyes water and it seems that they are crying. Since ancient times, people used to say that crocodiles mourned for their victims in such a way. However, crocodiles are crying because they are swallowing bigger bite than it fits in his mouth from the greed. The crocodiles’ lachrymal glands are close to the throat. Since crocodiles tear off large chunks and swallow it whole, the large chunks push against the lachrymal glands, forcing tears to their eyes in great amount.

It is believed that Roman historian Pliny was the first to explain this idiom in his work Historia Naturalis. Since than, the idiom “crocodile tears” has become the symbol of the insincerity and the fake regret[.]
 (Here's the article in Lithuanian.)

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