July 17, 2013

A Papillon, in Three Takes

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New Glarus, Wisconsin, July 2013. This is Frankie, a Papillon pup from Columbus, Ohio. We met Frankie at the New Glarus Brewery. Shortly after our brewery stop, we ate a late lunch and took home that doggie bag.

UPDATE: Typo fixed. A commenter corrected my spelling of the dog breed. *Blushes.*


edutcher said...

The Blonde loves those dogs.

Irene said...

They are wonderful dogs. Many Poodle breeders switch to Papillions at the end of their careers. Papillions are easier to groom, and they are just as smart and affectionate as Poodles. I've met many over the years, and they are uniformly sweet.

Meade said...

Favorite breed for my wife (who is blonde but is not The Blonde). But can they paddleboard?

Meade said...

Papillions, I mean. I know blondes can paddleboard.

Irene said...

Meade, I bet they could paddleboard. They have dainty, but sturdy, feet, and I suspect they would have great balance.

I am a Poodle lover, but this breed is remarkable. I have met quite a few over the years, and some day, we will have one. Named "Trinket."

edutcher said...

"Trinket" must ring a bell with women as a dog name.

The Blonde wanted a second York to be called "Trinket", the first was Treasure.

Since our second had a white star on her forehead when we got her, she was "Quasar".

The Dog Breed Pedant said...

It's spelled "papillon".

Irene said...

Thanks; I will fix it. I appreciate the correction because typos make me crazy.

The Dog Breed Pedant said...

I know what you mean. There's a neighborhood near me that has roads named after species of butterfly, and one of the roads is named Papillion Way. It sets my teeth on edge every time I see the street sign.

Irene said...

I should know better because I studied the French language at some point. I'd be pretty pissed if somebody wrote "Puddle" instead of "Poodle."

Good thing I didn't linger on "Phalene."