December 13, 2012

Christmas Manners: Show genuine gratitude.

Suburban Chicago, December 24, 1965. We've just finished Kūčios, and we are opening gifts in the Rec Room. I express my gratitude to my Dad's twin sister, Jonė, for her gift—the "Mouse Trap Game." My Toronto Cousin strums the toy ukulele. My paternal Grandmother, Tatjana, is in the back of the room, cleaning up.


Peter Hoh said...

Wait a second. What's with the photo manipulation? Between the chair on the left and the unwrapped gift on the floor, there looks to be a thumb-sized space that doesn't fit the rest of the photo.

Irene said...

Yes, Peter, I confess. It rarely happens, but I edited someone out. Personal reason.

Peter Hoh said...

Understood. And perfectly reasonable.

I regret my comment. It was the result of an internal musing that isn't worth sharing now, but seemed humorous to me at the time. And the result is that my comment comes across as insensitive.

Sorry about that. You can delete my comment if you'd like.

Irene said...

Peter, I took no offense at your comment, and I did not find it insensitive. I understand completely how things sometimes look different in hindsight. My reply focused on the integrity of the blog. Although there certainly are a few photos that are edited, by and large, the content here is untouched.

Your apology shows you to be the gracious gentleman who appears both here and on the A blog.

Peter Hoh said...

Thanks. I feel like a guest who has been invited up to the attic, and allowed to see what's in the special boxes that have been tucked away for years.

I enjoy watching your documentation project unfold. It's making me think about how I want to approach my piles of stuff that has meaning to me, but won't have much meaning as a pile of stuff.