May 4, 2012

Do you remember "Olga?"

Olga the Walrus was a popular exhibit at Brookfield Zoo during my childhood. Olga interacted with people in ways that triggered zoo visitors' anthropomorphic imaginations.

Olga lived at the zoo from 1962 until 1988.

Brookfield Zoo, June 1965. Olga's expression makes it look like she is about to speak.

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Brookfield Zoo, June 1965. Look out, though, because Olga also likes to spray zoo visitors!


Sarah G. said...

I remember Olga! I was 7 years old when Olga died in 1988. I had nearly forgotten about her entirely until stumbling upon her memorial statue at the Zoo in 2014 with my two sons. What a trip down memory lane. Thank you for this post, especially these neat old photos.

Irene said...

Thanks for visiting, Sarah. Click on the "Brookfield Zoo" label to see more.