March 7, 2012

Open Wide

My Mom often looked after the sick children of friends and neighbors. This sometimes meant that people would drop by at our house with their kids in the evenings and on weekends. 

Mom enjoyed helping people out in this way. She never charged money for these home-based visits. She earned and spread a lot of good will.

Mom has been retired for over twenty-five years. There are still a few families of former patients that send her a box of home-baked cookies every Christmas.

I, on the other hand, was simply the snoop that wanted "in" on the visit.

Suburban Chicago, January 1963. Mom inspects the sore throat of a friend's child.


Michele LaVigne said...

When I was a kid we had a neighborhood doctor who would take callers at all hours of any day or night. It's hard to imagine now. In my mind, your mom is still the ideal doctor.

Irene said...

She's also the ideal Mom!