March 4, 2012

Dance-Group Reunion

This afternoon, Mr. Irene and I attended the twentieth-anniversary celebration of our Madison Lithuanian folk dance group, Žaibas. Žaibas is the group with which Mr. Irene and I performed from about 1991 to 1996.

Mr. Irene and I, regrettably, stopped dancing with Žaibas when I returned to school. I became restless at the Sunday-evening rehearsals, and I often was on my worst behavior. I was in no mood to be a compliant dance student the night before I had to be "on" in a first-year, law-school class.

We were delighted that the organizers invited all of the old dancers, like us, to the festivities. We had a great time. It was wonderful to see everyone, and it felt as though we had not missed a beat. We truly appreciate the warmth with which everyone welcomed us back!

The highlight of the afternoon was a dance performance by a Chicago-based dance group, "Suktinis:"

Great Hall of the Memorial Union, University of Wisconsin—Madison, March 2012. "Suktinis" performs for the Žaibas reunion. Note that the dance group's attire differs from what Displaced Persons would consider "traditional" Lithuanian folkdress. I think the matching, stylized, ballet-like costumes look fabulous.

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