February 5, 2012

A Strategy for Visiting the Children's Zoo

If you get to the Children's Zoo early on a Sunday morning—when everyone else still is at church—then you can have the petting area all to yourself.

Brookfield Zoo, September 1967. That's adorable; but is that a baby leopard I see behind the beehive?

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Brookfield Zoo, September 1967. I can barely contain my excitement.

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Brookfield Zoo, September 1967. It was fun, of course, always to hold the "regular" Children's Zoo animals, like the white rabbit ....

... the mellow donkey ...

... and the billy goat.

1 comment:

Mr. Irene said...

Maybe it was this combination -- beehives worn in a zoo setting -- that inspired the B-52's "Rock Lobster!"

Wonderful photos remembering a wonderful place to grow up!