December 13, 2011

Special Visitors

Today I taught the penultimate class of my fall semester course, "Criminal Justice in America." Two special guest lecturers visited the students this morning: Sergeant Brent Plisch and "K-9 Odin" from the UW—Madison Police Department's K-9 Unit.

You may remember seeing me admire this pair here and here.

My day was enriched by the presence of such an inspiring speaker and his magnificent partner.

Madison, Wisconsin, December 2011. "K-9 Odin" awaits the beginning of class.

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Madison, Wisconsin, December 2011. "K-9 Odin" started out the lecture by jumping on the side table so that the 200 students in the hall could see him. 
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Madison, Wisconsin, December 2011. "K-9 Odin" intently listens to his master.
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Madison, Wisconsin, December 2011. "K-9 Odin" circulated around the room so that students could pet him. It's nice to pet a dog right around finals week, no?
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Madison, Wisconsin, December 2011. "K-9 Odin" visited the back of the room so that the students there would get a chance to meet him, too.

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